1.Object contract on-line and its definition
To purchase agreement "on line" refers to the distance contract and that the legal transaction concerning goods and / or services concluded between a supplier, ALPP SRL-based Valenza (AL) 15048 Industrial Area D4 Lot 20 and a consumer customer under an organized distance sales by the supplier for this contract, using the technology of communication at a distance called "internet". All contracts, therefore, be concluded through direct access to the consumer client to the corresponding website at: http://www.alpp.it/eshop and through the e-mail system linked to it, where, following the procedures, will conclude the contract for the purchase of the property. To the final consumer is the person who buys goods and services for purposes not directly related to their professional activity. Here we report the conditions of sale which will remain effective until changed by the supplier. Any changes to the conditions of sale will be effective from the time they are published on the website and will refer to sales made from that point onwards.
2. Sales prices and payment methods
All sales prices of the services displayed and indicated on the website, for which an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 of the Civil Code, are VAT and all other taxes excluded (unless otherwise stated). All product prices are only valid in the territory italiano.Le transport costs and any other additional charges Unless specified must be agreed before the end of the order by e-mail, which the customer must take care to see before confirming the purchase, in case of delivery abroad will be charged to the consumer any additional costs due to taxes or fees as provided by law in the State of destination. The purchase contract is concluded through the exact compilation and the consensus expressed by the accession date "on line" or any other communications by e-mail. The customer can pay for your order using only the payment methods listed on-line at the time of purchase.
3. Performance of the contract
A.L.P.P. SRL will provide, where applicable, copy of the extended warranty on its website (http://www.alpp.it/eshop). E 'recommended to keep a copy of the contract whether on paper or electronically. This document expresses the conditions of the extended warranty purchased.
4. Obligations of the buyer
The consumer undertakes, once the purchase procedure "on line", to handle the press and the conservation of these terms and conditions, which, however, has already seen and accepted as a necessary step in the acquisition and the specifications of the product being purchased, and that in order to fully satisfy the condition in agl'artt. 3 and 4 of Decree. Legislative. No. 185/1999.È is strictly prohibited to enter false data, and / or invented and / or fantasy, the registration process required to provide him with the procedure for the execution of this contract and the subsequent communications, the data and the e-mail address must be the only real personal data and not some other person, or fantasy. It is expressly forbidden to make double entries for a single person or enter data of third parties. ALPPSRL reserves the right to prosecute any violation or abuse, and for the protection of all consumers
5. Right of withdrawal and complaints
Consumers who for whatever reason are not satisfied with the purchase, shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract without penalty and without specifying the reason, within 10 days from the conclusion of the contract. The withdrawal must be expressed by sending in the said period of 10 days of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: ALPP SRL Zone Ind.le D4 Lot 20-15048 Valenza (AL) tel +39 0131 941650 - fax +39 0131 020180
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Within the same period may be sent a telegram, fax or e-mail address where you will follow within 48 hours of the above letter with acknowledgment of receipt to confirming the withdrawal. The consumer may not exercise this right of withdrawal for the same products made to specifications or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, can not be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly. Within the stipulated period of 10 days must be returned to the sender-supplier all purchased goods intact and in their original packaging and any manuals, without any lack. Return costs will be borne by the customer. Upon receipt of the goods delivered and verified its integrity ALPP SRL will credit the entire amount paid by the consumer within thirty days. It is the responsibility of the consumer to provide promptly to the bank details for the transfer (ABI, CAB, Bank Account, IBAN)
6. Termination of the contract and Termination clause
A.L.P.P. SRL has the right to terminate the contract by giving notice to the client with adequate and justified reasons, in which case the customer will only be entitled to a refund of the amount already taken and paid
7. Jurisdiction and Venue
Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and breach of contracts entered into purchase "online" via the site http://www.alpp.it/eshop is subject to Italian jurisdiction, these conditions are reported, although not expressly provided for herein, in conjunction with the Legislative Decree No. 50 of 15.1.1992 and Legislative Decree No. 185 dated 22.5.1999. Any dispute between the parties relating to this contract shall be the court of residence of the customer or elective domicile of the consumer (Art. 1469 Bis N ° 19). For all other hole Alexandria.