Customer care: 0131 941650

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The company

We are a Profile-manufacturer in thermoplastic materials. Our company operates in Italy since 1958.

We have 7 machines and can extrude flexible and coextruded profiles. We have also our own tool room to make dies and jings as per your requirements. We can manufacture profiles as per your design and requirements, even in case of small quantities, and we can help you to project your profiles.

You can choose between a gamut of 200 colours, and you can ask us for custom colours. We can supply profile-frames both with welded-angles and with carved-angles to solder.

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A.L.P.P. S.R.L. Zona Industriale D/4 Lotto 20 - Valenza (AL) - REA AL-67384 - Partita IVA 00154520068 - Tel. 0131 941650 - email: